Scars of the Soul

Emotional scars run deeper than the ones on the skin. They haunt the mind, resurface in memories, and shape how we see the world. This poem, ‘Scars of the Soul,’ explores the weight of these unseen wounds and the silent battles we fight within.

How do I forget the scars given by thee

They not physical

But mentally they overcome me

At night I can’t sleep

Thinking about how we

Could have been

It seems

This isn’t the real you

I lost you in the turmoil of he

Am I in competition

Constantly trying to get ahead

But no matter what I do

You’re never impressed

Am I still alive

Cus this feels like I am dead

Scars fade, but some remain etched in our souls. They teach us lessons, remind us of what we endured, and sometimes, they make us stronger. But when love and trust shatter, how do we heal? How do we move forward when the past keeps whispering back at us?

Read another poem about pain and healing: Lost in the Fix

For another powerful exploration of emotional scars, read Sylvia Plath’s ‘Lady Lazarus‘.

A lonely figure in the dark, symbolizing deep emotional scars and inner turmoil.
Ejaz Writez